Saturday, January 30, 2016


While I was at home this Christmas, I had the pleasure of attending Urbana Mission Conference in St. Louis, Missouri for the third time.  The day after Christmas, my parents, Chad, and I packed up the truck for a 10 hour road trip.  While others might groan at such an endeavor, road trips are a blessing to me.  I love being on the road again with family.  Mom and I chatted in the back seat, we listened to whatever music was playing on the radio in each town we passed, and took the occasional pit stop for snacks.

Although this was not my first Urbana, I was feeling a bit uncomfortable to begin.  Why was I here?  I already knew my call.  But the Lord continued to open my heart and mind.  My good friend Abby Cline and her fiance Stephen roomed with my parents, brother, and I, which was a special treat.  To be able to process and share life again with such a good friend was life-giving.  I also caught up with a few others from Niger!  Rachel, a good friend and old housemate, was there, as well as my future housemate, Julie!  A former Sahel student was there representing CIU, and another single guy wanting to minister to the Fulani in Niger was there!  It was truly wonderful to make so many connections.

Through seminars, Bible Studies, quiet times, evening sessions, worship, and conversations with friends and strangers, I learned some important lessons.  I was reminded of the purpose behind missions - JESUS.  David Platt warned us to be committed to Jesus before committing ourselves to missions.  Francis Chan reminded us of the beauty of living under the authority of Christ.  In Bible Study, we discussed how the body of Christ needs each other.  And after talking with friends, I realized that it's ok to not know or understand the future.  I am in the palm of Almighty God - there is no better place to be.

God is good.  We headed home after a loud and eventful evening of New Year's Eve worship, grateful for all that the Lord had done and will continue to do.

Abby Cline, Abdoul Bala, Rachel Gillner, Hannah Knox

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