Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

The second grade classroom has been full of excitement and activity lately!  Here is a peek into what we've been up to!

Cold season is officially over, but here are a couple pictures of my kiddos bundled up in the mornings - sweaters, fur hats, boots, and hoods!  I'm sure you can relate! ;)

For a week in February, a local ministry team came to Sahel Academy for "Spiritual Emphasis Week."  They ministered to both the secondary and elementary.  Grades k-5 enjoyed learning about the life of Daniel.

In math class, 2nd grade learned about fractions!  We went to the kitchen that morning to make pizza with "Chef Knox!"  I spoke with an "Italian" accent while instructing the kids on how to make their pizzas.  Later in the day, we cut our pizzas and talked about each fraction piece!  What a yummy way to learn about fractions!

In science, we learned about insects.  Each student took time to research an insect of their choice, made a poster and presented it to the class!

As an end to our insect unit and an introduction to mammals, 2nd and 3rd grade went to the zoo!  The students enjoyed finding the animals on their bingo charts.  (And a shout out to all the moms and dads who came to help!  Thank you!)

The 3rd grade teacher and I at the zoo!

In French class, the kiddos learned about Mardi Gras and made masks to celebrate! 

We've begun our measuring unit in math!  "Inchy the Inchworm" was hidden all over the classroom.  Students found and measured his length in inches and centimeters!

That's it for now!  Thank you for making it possible for these children of God to learn and enjoy Sahel Academy!  Please pray for these kiddos and all teachers and students at Sahel.  Please pray for students who are transitioning out of the school early.  And pray that God will meet the huge need for new staff for next year!  Thank you for your support and prayers!!!

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