Happy Thanksgiving! Though we do not have off school at Sahel Academy, I am happy to celebrate this joyous holiday with friends and family in Africa.
As I take time to reflect, I find myself incredibly grateful. My heart is full with the blessings of God. He gifts me daily with His love shown through the people, places, and things around me. May I always take more time to praise God with a heart of thankfulness.
Below is a glimpse into the past few months (August - November) of the blessings God has graciously poured out to me. They say "a picture's worth 1,000 words," so these are just some of the highlights. Thank YOU for taking the time to journey with me as I continue to live this adventure with the Lord. God is good.
"But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds." - Psalm 73:28
wonderful housemates and neighbors.
the opportunity to serve alongside my parents in Niger.
a bike with a basket.
boat rides with new friends.
girls' night with my mom.
junior girls Bible study.
the chance to celebrate mom's 60th birthday together.
red and yellow peppers from the market!
an incredible 4th grade class.
listening to Christmas music during seat work.
winning the "Spirit Award!"
growing a garden together.
laughs and giggles daily.
hugs from my very caring class.
God's gift to me.
a breathtaking sunset by the rice fields.
mail from thoughtful friends in the States.
a dad who can fix anything.
chocolate dessert and cinnamon apple tea with honey (my favorite!)
from friends who knew just what I needed.
a joy-filled and caring church.
worship in Hausa and French Sunday mornings.
pizza with good friends.
random dinner and game nights with these awesome neighbors!